At a glance
Your direct contact:
Travemünder Woche gemeinn. GmbH
Roeckstraße 54
D – 23568 Lübeck
Fax: +49 -451 3 25 78
During the event
Am Leuchtenfeld 4
D – 23570 Travemünde
Fax: 04502 869022
Contact us here:
Chief press officer
Ralf Abratis
From 20.7. on site in Travemünde:
fax: 04502 86 90-23
Find all information related to accreditation and further content for editors and journalists in our separate dedicated media section.
Sponsoring & Advertisement
LYC Marketing GmbH
Roeckstraße 54
D – 23568 Lübeck
Fax: +49 – 451 32 5 78
Contact: Frank Schärffe
Frank Schärffe (Geschäftsführer), LYC: Organisation Land, Sponsoring
Jens Kath (Sportlicher Leiter), LYC: Klassen, Sportprogramm
Andreas Denecke (Gesamtwettfahrtleiter), LYC / MYC: Jury, Wettfahrten
Birgit Stamp-Oehme (Project Manager), LYC: Head of Regatta Office
Ole Ott (Scoring Manager): Results service
Petra Röttger (Regattabüro/Sekretariat/Finanzen), LYC
Inquiries about the festival and artists
uba gmbh, a company of the bergmann group, hamburg
Fabian Kattchin
Application for artists:
please email
Booking of boothes
Mikko Schley